Dolje sam naveo mali dio teksta iz knjige Harolda Temperlija “Istorija Srbije” (LONDON, 1917) … osmo poglavlje “Crna Gora i njezina uloga u nacionalni razvoj Srpstva”

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Montenegro and her share in Serbian national development

Chapter VIII from the book by Harold W. V. Temperley, History of Serbia, Bell & Sons, London, 1917, pp. 134-161

Certainly until the present war King Nicholas had cause for pride when he looked back on Montenegro as it was in 1860. His reign began with a series of defeats, and the Turks as of old moved up the valleys and severed Tchernagora from the Brda. Yet in 1875-76 Prince Nicholas was not afraid to declare war against the Turks. After a chequered campaign, he inflicted immense losses upon them, eventually captured Niksitch and Podgoritsa, and drove the Ottoman for ever from the vale of the Zeta. Into the details of the Treaty of Berlin in 1878 and its subsequent modifications we need not enter. Eventually the independence of Montenegro was formally recognised, and the vale of the Zeta and access to the sea at Antivari secured. In 1881 the harbour of Dulcigno was added by the aid of Gladstone; in 1912-13 the limits of Montenegro were extended to Plava, Gusinje, Djakova, and Ipek (Pech). Thus during this reign the territory of Montenegro has been for ever freed from the Turk, has been more than doubled in extent, has reached something like the limits of the old kingdom of Zeta, and has secured a legal and universal recognition of that independence which it has in fact enjoyed for five centuries. In all these achievements King Nicholas has done much, perhaps more than any other could have done; for it is still true that in Montenegro as in every primitive community the man can do more than the ruler. What is still more remarkable is that a ruler with the peculiar qualities which appeal to a wild race should also have been able to exercise great influence on the statesmen of Europe.

In the more ambitious scheme of securing the leadership of the Serbian race for himself and Montenegro, King Nicholas has failed. This is the ideal which seems to be presented to Montenegro in the King's drama The Empress of the Balkans, and in view of the past glory of Zeta and Montenegro is one which was entirely legitimate. Unfortunately, it is no longer a possible one, for the very history of Montenegro itself and the services which it has rendered to the Serb race make it now necessary for her to surrender these claims. So long as the kingdom of Serbia was weak and divided and the vassal of Austria, so long Montenegro stood for all that was best in the past -- the heroic freedom of the Serb race. But when Serbia showed herself armed and strong, conquered Turkey, crushed Bulgaria, and defied Austria, Montenegro's part became that not of a leader but of an ally. In the last few months before the war King Nicholas practically agreed to a peaceful economic and political union with the kingdom of Serbia. If this agreement ever becomes effective, it will be not only the most selfsacrificing, but probably the most real, of all "Nikita's" great services to his country. At all events it is now certain that Montenegro can only survive as the "little brother" of Serbia. The fact appears recognised by the Montenegrins themselves, whose enthusiasm for Serbia and for Crown Prince Alexander after the Balkan War was evident to the most casual observer.

Montenegro survived the storm which crushed the Serb race, but it survived at a cost.
The Turks could only be repelled by a system which saw to it that every man was a soldier, and destroyed all the arts of peace. [b[The results of the long struggle now ended are that Montenegro remains free and Serbian, but still primitive in ideas and organisation and economics, despite all the civilising efforts of her rulers.[/b] The traces of the struggle for survival must remain for very long, and perhaps will never be effaced. Freedom Montenegro has, but it is primitive, savage and uncontrolled, and the stern spirit of many of her sons accords ill with modern ideas. Her task in history is really over, for she has achieved that for which she struggled, and has enabled the Serb race to be united. During their period of despair the eyes of Serbs in Bosnia, in Kossovo, and in Serbia itself, were ever turned to that white and purple mountain line where the unconquerable "sons of Tchernagora maintained their freedom, the eyrie of the eagles." There is a story of how Marko Kraljevitch when wounded was restored to life by eagles who brought him water in their beaks. The same service was rendered to the wounded Serb nation by the "falcons of the Black Mountain."

Ako imate malo vremena, preporucujem vam da procitate tekst u cijelini. Tekst pominje sve vaznije epizode crnogorske istorije, prica o cistoti srpske rase u CG, i opisuje stepen ponosa i junastva Crne Gore i Crnogoraca. Citajuci ovaj tekst, ostajem vrlo ponosan na Crnu Goru, i zalim zbog izdaje crnogorskih tradicija i vrijednosti. Na kraju ostajem uvjeren da ce Crna Gora, kao uvijek izaci pobjednik na kraju-- komunisticka demagogija ce se satrijeti.

Tekst detaljno opisuje istragu ******** kao glavno istorijsko zbivanje u CG. Autor opisuje istragu ******** kao zlocin, ali zlocin koji je bio "potreban" i koji je spasio Crnu Goru kao slobodnu srpsku drzavu. Pominju se mnoge bitke protiv Turaka. Pominju se Albanci, prelazak Albanije u Islam, i crnogorsko-albanski sukobi.

Tekst podsjeca citaoca na cinjenicu da su nasi pradjedovi vijekovima sebe zrtvovali da bi oslobodili i ujedinili srpstvo. To nas i danas opominje da moramo sacuvati zajednicu Crne Gore i Srbije, ne samo zbog nas samih, neko zbog amanet pradjedova, i za buduća pokoljenja. Sto rece Kralj Nikola: SA SRBIJOM VAZDA, POD SRBIJOM NIKAD! neka tako bude! Amin