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Thread: Bush ili Kerry!

  1. #51
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    ista *****!
    a vrh su im one kampanje!za onim zastavicama amerike i svi viču:usa,usa,usa!
    ipak je to amerika!jbg,i demokrate i republikanci su pravili čuda po svijetu tako da su ponavljam ista *****
    kad je amerika napala sadama(kao fora teroristi,osama )masu ljudi se okupljalo po ulicama,trgovima,svi dižu američke zastave i prilazi reporter kao što mislite o napadu amerike i svi su skoro rekli mi smo ođe da pružimo podršku našim momcima u iraku koji se bore za pravdu,da iskorijenjivanje terorizma,... Mislim.... :roll:

    4' 33''

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by audio_slave_fcf
    ista *****!
    a vrh su im one kampanje!za onim zastavicama amerike i svi viču:usa,usa,usa!
    Heh, a naše su bolje, sa različitim zastavama i bojnim pokličima :roll:

  3. #53
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    A tebe, Hombre, ću da razbijem na Quake zbog ovih neopuštenih probušovskih postova

  4. #54
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    i to bi bilo to 8) ..vidimo se za 4 godine, je l' :?: 8)
    Sell the Vatican, Feed the World!

  5. #55
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    Dje mi nestade post? I ne vidimo se.. Vazda li ti nesto prckas tuda.
    \x56 \x47 \x42 \x4D
    \x53 \x41 \x47 \x50

  6. #56
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    greska 8)

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hari Krisna
    Quote Originally Posted by ^Tijana^
    Ovo je moje misljenje o MOME predsjedniku. Pa mi recite da bih mogla ovako slobodno da pricam o tim tamo u SCG?
    Ako ti ovo procita Filip neces ga ti privirivati u Crnu Goru. Chu Busman tvoj pre$ednik pored Filipa zivoga.
    Ma ja znam da mene Filip voli, ma sta god ja odje pricala...samo se zadesilo da trenutno znam nesto vise o ovoj politici ovamo nego o toj nasoj...ipak godine prolaze

    Da nastavim sa komentarima koliko mogu, necu puno 8)

    Quote Originally Posted by sh0cker
    O cemu ti pricas? Chenieva cerka je lezbo pa Bush nece banovati u svim drzavama? Sta da banuje?! Da se dvije djevojke ljube jel?
    Ne da se ljube vec da se zene medjusobno...bush je, kao republikanac protiv toga ali su prevalili sve to na Kerry-evu stranu kao da je on glavni pokretac toga i tim putem je Kerry izgubio 10% glasova od *****a i lezbejki na sto je Bush vec danas reagovao i dao u Kongres da se usvoji Ustav i da se zabrane vjencanja istog pola. Niko ne prica da njih nece biti ali kada se vjencaju imaju sva prava na djecu i mogu da usvajaju djecu a zamisli to neduzno dijete koje se podize i ima 2 majke ili 2 oca. Vec me jeza od ovoga fata.

    Quote Originally Posted by sh0cker
    USA koja se zadnje 3g. bori protiv terorizma (vjerovali mi to ili ne) koja je ko zna koliko potrosila para na to, ti bi htjela da ista ta USA danas podlegne tom 'teroristickom' lobiju..
    Da, koja se bori protiv terorizma i na sta je Bush sami rekao na jednu od razgovora sa gradjanima da nece uspjeti da se izbori protiv rata o terorizmu. Pa vidji koliko mu je pamet visoka. Pa i da se nikada nece izboriti sa tim valjda treba reci gradjanima da se ne boje?? Or maybe not...

    Quote Originally Posted by sh0cker
    Priznaj sebi lakse ce ti bit, ti si protiv Busha, i ko god da je bio bila bi protiv njega! Al' sama vidis da Amerikanci nisu.
    Protiv sam Busha jer drugacije gledam na svijet, ne gledam kao on i njegova politika. "Mi smo prvi, mi smo najbolji...niko nam nista ne moze" Ameri pa Ameri...
    Quote Originally Posted by sh0cker
    Gradjani SCG nisu glasali za Kerryija sigurno, jer prati malo net.. Koliko je tu sajtova sa forumima, gdje ljudi iskreno hoce Busha jer znaju ko finansira Kerryjevu kampanju.. Ma daj..
    Ovo sam vise rekla iz sopstvenog iskustva i iz sopstvene okoline...95% ekipe sa kojom se ja druzim su za Kerry-ja bile, ne zbog Kerry-ja,opet ponavljam vec zato sto ce Bush da nas dovede u sami propast. (ovo nas sam mislila na imigrante cjelokupmo)
    Quote Originally Posted by Hombre
    vjeruj mi i kerry bi napao neke nesrecnike, a nebi bilo nemoguce da ti nesrecnici budemo mi, te prema tome, bolje irak nego mi.
    Radujemo se tudjoj nesreci, ne valja :wink:

    Sa moga stava...zasto mislim da je trebao Bush da se mijenja je
    Republikanci se zalazu da je USA najmocnija i najvec zemlja na svijetu, da joj niko nije ravan. Da su ovo da su ono...ali uvijek number 1! Da li se to nama, bilo kojoj naciji bih nesto rekla. I zato je 80% svijeta bilo za Demokratu da dobije, a sto se ratova i svega toga tice, toga ce biti non stop dok je zivota na zemlji...
    Uh, iscrpljeh se 8)

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    Meni je jako smijesno kako se sad svi upinju da su odlucujuce doprinijeli pobjedi Busha, a on prvo sto uradi prizna Republiku Makedoniju. Po toj nagradi se vidi ko je odlucio Keri je kao veteran iskusio rat i zna sve strahote rata. Bus je debil kojem da kazu " u Tolosima postoji reaktor Bila Ladena" on bi poslao da prvo prospu bombe pa trazio dokaze.
    To se samo nama cini kako smo vazni i da ce Bus ili bi se Keri ubili od muke da nam udovolje, a oni jadni i ne znaju ni na kom smo kontinentu. U Americi dobijaju oni kandidati uz kojeg je vise Jevreja tj. njihovoh para, a ostali se mogu zabavljati do mile volje i brojati da li je karta bila malo manje ili malo vise bila "bush-na."

  9. #59
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    Kako to da ne zaboravim da kazem.
    99% Jevreja je bogato, i svima je plata preko 300K, da ne pominjem cirku dolje.
    Zasto je njima dozvoljeno da se zene/udaju medjusobno? Da bi bogastvo ostalo u familiju a ne da se siri vani...
    Nemam nista protiv jevreja a ni Srba

  10. #60
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    ko god da pobijedi, ja $utra moram molit caleta za pare...
    i nad popom ima pop 8)
    "Dobro veče." - Milka Canić, supervizor "Muzičke slagalice"

  11. #61
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    a neka je vala izgubilo ono horseface djubre. ne kazem da cemo od Bušija imat neke vajde, ali makar nećemo gledat Olbrajtovu, Holbruka i Rubina sledeće 4 godine.

    [size=6]Dokumentarni film otkriva donacije albanskog dilera oružja kampanji senatora Kerija[/size]

    The Scotsman, Oct. 24, 2004

    piše: Frejzer Nelson u Njujorku

    Džon Keri je dobio mecenu koji će mu verovatno prouzrokovati više problema nego podrške u njegovoj borbi za Belu kuću --- Oslobodilačku vojsku Kosova.

    Dokumentarac u produkcije holandske televizijske ekipe optužuje Florina Krasnićija, albanskog dilera, da kupuje oružje u SAD i šalje ga na Kosovo - dok istovremeno održava veze sa Demokratskom partijom u Sjedinjenim državama.

    Gospodin Krasnići je sniman na donatorskoj večeri u organizaciji kampanje Džona Kerija, u trenutku dok uručuje ček, nakon čega se šali u opuštenom društvu visokih funkcionera demokrata uključujući Veslija Klarka, bivšeg komandanta NATO i Ričarda Holbruka visokog savetnika gospodina Kerija za spoljnu politiku.

    Dokumentarni film, pušten prošlog meseca u Holandiji, prati g-dina Krasnićija iz njegove kuće u Bruklinu do njegove baze u Albaniji gde plaćenicima na granici sa Kosovom distribuira oružje.

    Bez ikakvog uvijanja gospodin Krasnići najdirektnije govori da OVK ima "nezavršenih poslova" kad su Srbi u pitanju i predviđa da će rat ponovo buknuti za "otprilike godinu i po" ukoliko Ujedinjene nacije ne pruže Kosovu nezavisnost od Srbije i Crne Gore.

    Tokom Kerijeve donatorske večere govornici direktno agituju za albanske pare. Gospodin Holbruk upozorava u svom govoru da gospodin Buš planira da vrati trupe sa Kosova - jasno implicirajući da bi u tom slučaju Srbi bili na dobitku.

    Džim Beljuši, američki glumac albanskog porekla, se zatim pojavljuje tražeći donacije. "Ukoliko marite za sudbinu Albanaca na Balkanu, nadam se da ćete uraditi sve što možete da Džon Keri bude izabran za našeg sledećeg predsednika," govori.

    U nastavku, dokumentarac prikazuje g-dina Krasnićija dok kupuje oružje od dilera u mestu Sent Meri's u saveznoj državi Pensilvanija.

    Sa iskrenošću koje često graniči sa drskošću, on objašnjava filmskoj ekipi kako je jednostavno krijumčariti oružje. "Napravili smo lovački klub u Albaniji," priča - i jednostavno govorimo svakom ko pita da planiramo eksurzije za Tazmaniju.

    Priznaje da je bio "uhvaćen dvaput" - od strane italijanskih i švajcarskih vlasti - ali mu je dozvoljeno da nastavi nakon što je rekao da albanski lovački klub sprema ekspedicije za lov na slonove u Tazmaniji. Ostatak oružja se krijumčari uz humanitarnu pomoć, objašnjava Krasnići.

    I dok nema sugestija da g-din Keri ima saznanja o poreklu novca koji stiže u obliku donacija od g-dina Krasnicija, film će biti veoma problematičan za senatora iz Masačusetsa pogotovo dok se bori sa optužbama da je mekan po pitanju borbe protiv terorizma.

    G-din Krasnići se na listama Federalne izborne komisije vodi kao registrovani donator Kerijeve kampanje sa sve adresom u Bruklinu. Zvanična suma koja se navodi je samo $1000. U potrazi za komentarom Keri-Edvards kampanje na sve ovo, zvali smo ih više puta ali nam do juče niko nije odgovorio.

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    Direktan link za video stream tog holandskog dokumentarca:

    Isecak siptarskog fundraisera za Kerijeva iz tog holandskog dokumentarca (fajl je oko 28mb): Video. U gore navedenom video streamu to isto mozete naci na 11:04 minuta...

    Ako zelite snimiti kompletan dokumentarac na hard drive, skinite prvo MPlayer sa ove adrese:

    Posle u DOS prozorcicu pokrenite program sledecim redom:
    "mplayer -dumpstream mms://"

    Program ce napraviti dump fajl pod imenom stream.dump koji mozete posle preimenovati u *.asf da bi ga pokrenuli sa hard drivea, ceo dokumentarac je oko 350mb velicine...

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    bush ladno pobijedio...

    Mada,kad coek malo bolje razmisli,busha boli za balkan,a Keri je bio obecao nezavisno kosovo...

    ma,neka je pobijedio :roll:
    Зашто ме мрзиш што волим Шешеља?

  15. #65
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    July 23, 2004

    John Kerry: Working Together with Albanian-Americans

    [size=6]Senator John Kerry issued the following statement:[/size]

    I am proud to receive support from Albanian-Americans. For generations,
    Albanians coming to America have assumed eagerly the responsibilities and opportunities of citizenship. The newest generations of Albanian-Americans have carried on this tradition in a way that makes your ancestors – and all who love America -- proud. As Americans, you have built our communities, creating economic opportunity and prosperity. You value family, community, responsibility, and opportunity. And many Albanian-Americans have given their lives in our armed forces over the last century, proudly serving our country and protecting our freedoms.

    I promise as president to promote policies that protect the communities you have built and preserve the values you have honored. We will take care of our elderly, make health care more readily available, promote education, help small businesses, and provide equal opportunity for all.

    I also appreciate the strong bonds Albanian-Americans have with their
    friends, families, and brethren in South-Eastern Europe. These ties make our strong country a great nation. They remind us of the values that brought us here and of the hope and opportunity that remains elsewhere. They help America build our friendships and forge alliances. It is no accident that Albania has sent troops to Afghanistan and Iraq, that Albania has been steadfast in the war on terrorism, or that the Albanian people are among the most pro-American people in the world today. It is a tribute to the network of connections that knits together not just governments but people who share the same values. You have done that for both your country today and for the countries of your ancestors.

    I believe that stability, democracy and prosperity in the Balkans are in
    America’s best interest. My administration will re-establish America’s
    leadership in the Balkans, particularly when it comes to Kosovo. The Bush
    administration has turned its back on the region, hollowed out our security
    presence, and left the people of the region without the opportunity to
    govern themselves.

    At a time when the populations of these countries took courageous steps to break from the past and were desperately looking to consolidate momentous reforms, the Bush administration chose to do as little as possible. It has missed an historic opportunity.

    My administration will act quickly to address the issues facing Kosovo.
    Kosovo's future status should be decided as soon as possible. The people of Kosovo must be able to determine their own future, including how they want to be governed. Proposals to change the territory of Kosovo or to partition it along ethnic lines do not help build a multi-ethnic society or prepare the region for its future in Europe. As we pursue Kosovo's final status, we want to work closely with others in the region and engage them in promoting a smooth transition. Continued delay - which is all the Bush administration has offered -- hardens the positions of extremists on all sides. The region is vulnerable to nationalists within and extremists from outside; we must help rebuild the institutions that can protect the people of Kosovo so that they will resist calls for more violence and further calamity. Should the region be allowed to degrade it would return to the lawlessness of the Milosevic era and allow criminals to flourish.

    We will need your help. We must approach Kosovo’s status in a way that makes its neighborhood safer and more secure. This will take American leadership, alliances, and effort, as it did with Western Europe at the end of World War II. And it will take time; we cannot walk away from Kosovo and the region.

    I will need your help in building the support we will need in Congress and
    with the American people to carry out this historic task. With your support,
    my administration will:

    • Work with our European allies to see that all states of the Balkans are
    able to take their place as law-abiding members of the key institutions that
    helped to win the Cold War, including NATO and the European Union.

    • Assist the governments in the region to increase trade, attract
    investment, and address corruption, human trafficking, and minority rights.

    • Pursue individuals indicted for war crimes. All governments in the region
    must cooperate to achieve this purpose and bring war criminals to justice.

    I will also need your help to support more vigorously Albania’s efforts to
    develop its economy, integrate into Euro-Atlantic institutions, and strengthen its democracy. We will continue to support the efforts of
    Albanians in Macedonia and Montenegro to become equal citizens of democratic societies.

    Not every issue will be easy. America at our best stands for human rights,
    for everyone. My administration will enlist your support in seeing that the
    human rights of people throughout the region are respected. This must
    include the Serbs and other communities of people who want to live in
    Kosovo. Otherwise, it will be more difficult, if not impossible, to achieve
    lasting peace and prosperity in the region and to fulfill the legitimate
    aspirations of all who live there.

    I am proud that we will, together, help make real the dream of Albanians, of Americans, of our allies, and of all who care about our security and
    freedom, of creating a Europe that is peaceful, democratic, and free from
    fear and from oppression -- a Europe whole and free, from the Baltic, to the Black Sea – and in the Kerry administration, to the Adriatic.

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    majku mu 'ebem
    on ce da podrzava albance...

    ***** jedno americko :x :x :x
    Зашто ме мрзиш што волим Шешеља?

  17. #67
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    Nove bušotine u koje se investira sljedeće 4 godine...
    Neka su živi pošto zdrao nijesu nikako!

    Cijeli komentar available on:[/url]

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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss_Lucifer
    ***** jedno americko :x :x :x
    :!: :!: :!:
    Do Not Disturb.

  19. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hari Krisna
    To se samo nama cini kako smo vazni i da ce Bus ili bi se Keri ubili od muke da nam udovolje, a oni jadni i ne znaju ni na kom smo kontinentu. U Americi dobijaju oni kandidati uz kojeg je vise Jevreja tj. njihovoh para, a ostali se mogu zabavljati do mile volje i brojati da li je karta bila malo manje ili malo vise bila "bush-na."
    Ja bih samo malo redefinisao tvoj stav. U Americi dobija onaj ciji je lobi najaci, odnosno najbogatiji, a sticajem okolnosti, istina, to je jevrejski. Ipak ne treba zanemariti ni snagu ostalih lobija, Albanskog recimo, koji je skupio ogroman novac za podrsku Kerry-u. Sad, nije da mislim da Kerry licno obozava ili mrzi bilo koga na Balkanu, ali pravila igre su takva da on, odnosno njegova administracija moraju nesto da ucine za one koji im daju novac, ili tog novca vise nema. Pa vi sad mozete da pogadjate tri puta sta bi se od njega ocekivalo da uradi.

    Tijana, uopste se ne radujem tudjoj nesreci, niti podrzavam rat u Iraku. Ali svako treba da gleda sopstvene interese. Sad bih ja trebao da navijam za Kerrya koji ce kao zaustaviti rat u iraku (sto se ne bi desilo u to sam ubijedjen) a da pri tom on oko sebe okuplja staru, dobro poznatu, ekipu.

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    Najjace od svega sto se nas narod opterecuje oko toga, i vidim udarna vijest je da je i jaser arafat u bolnicu i da je nikako. Kazem ja glupa politika nego niko ne slusa. Sto se tice USA presjednika pobijedio je BUsh jer je imao jace (citaj bogatije) ljude za pofrsku i oni su mu isfinansirali kampanju i sve. Inace on je 14 presjednik koji ima 2mandat. Pa neka nam je sa srecom ako je to uopste i bitno.
    Loše stvari dolaze u paketu, za dobre stvari treba vremena.

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    The War Democrats Believe In

    By Don Feder | October 20, 2004

    The Democrats have been characterized as a party of peace marchers and flag-burners -- a Neville Chamberlain cadre chattering away on cable TV, knee-jerk internationalists who’ve mistaken the United Nations for the United States Marines.

    I must protest this calumny.

    Under the right circumstances, the Democrats can be Sgt. York and Audie Murphy times Rambo. There was a little war of which Democrats are exceedingly fond – so much so that they’re still bragging about it five years later.

    It’s a conflict that didn’t involve allegations of weapons of mass destruction. The nation we subjugated wasn’t a sponsor of international terrorism. (This time, we fought for the terrorists.)

    It wasn’t remotely related to national security. And the justification for our intervention turned out to be a complete fabrication.

    For 78 days in 1999, we bombed Christian Yugoslavia (our ally in two World Wars) to aid Moslem separatists who were tight with Osama bin Laden. Ever since, NATO has occupied its sovereign territory – with disastrous results.

    Appearing on CNN’s “Late Edition” in August, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton offered her husband’s 1999 adventure, over the ancient province of Kosovo, as evidence that Democrats are better at fighting wars than Republicans. (I would have thought Korea and Vietnam proved that conclusively.)

    We smashed the Serb war-machine, and “we didn’t lose a single American military person,” Hillary boasted of the conflict her draft-dodger hubby dragged us into. She neglected to mention that it was a war we fought from 30,000 feet.

    The party of McGovern and Dean is so proud of this notable feat of arms, that it invited Hashim Thaci, chieftain of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and Clinton’s erstwhile ally, to attend the Democratic National Convention. (You’d think the Party in a Perpetual Fog would be at least a little curious about how Thaci got the nickname “Snake.” Hint: It’s not because he’s a patron of the arts.)

    On his return to Kosovo, Snake Thaci – head of a terrorist gang that finances its operations through drug-running and prostitution – proclaimed, “It was confirmed once again that a Democratic administration would recognize and respect the will of the people of Kosovo for self-determination.”

    Self-determination is code for independence from Yugoslavia – the creation of another Republic of Jihad (Balkanistan) on the periphery of Europe.

    The Clinton gang that ran the war – including Richard Holbrooke and Wesley Clark (then Supreme Commander of NATO forces) -- are slated for key posts in a Kerry administration. Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs under Clinton, Holbrooke (who once called the Serbs “murderous assholes”) could be Kerry’s Secretary of State.

    The War Hero and his running-mate both voted for the Senate resolution authorizing the use of force in Kosovo. A war resolution died in the Republican House.

    What, we went to war without congressional authorization! We also did it without the permission of the United Nations. (Whatever happened to multilateralism?) Still, the French and Germans were on board – always a bad sign.

    In a July 23, 2004 letter to Albanian-Americans, Kerry charged the Bush administration was “turning its back on the region” Whenever Bush doesn’t coddle terrorists (the PLO, the KLA) Kerry accuses him of abandoning whole regions.

    In said letter, Kerry declared, “The people of Kosovo must be able to determine their own future, including how they want to be governed.” Since “the people of Kosovo” now are overwhelmingly Moslem, thanks in part to Clinton, Kerry is committing himself to Kosovo’s independence.

    He wants to finish the job our last Democratic president started in 1999.

    Kosovo is the ancient heartland of Serbian Orthodoxy. Until the 1970s, its population was predominately Serb.

    Due to illegal immigration from Albania, Moslems became a majority and began agitating for autonomy. Then they started committing atrocities against their Serb neighbors – like beating elderly nuns, raping young girls and attacking monasteries. Then the KLA – which the U.S. State Department listed as a terrorist group as late as 1998 – started assassinating Yugoslav police and government officials.

    Slobodan Milosevic, an ex-communist apparatchik who was President of Yugoslavia at the time, overreacted. (It is the Balkans, after all, a region second only to the Middle East for ethnic/religious harmony.)

    Casting about for a way to take the nation’s attention off oral sex and impeachment, Bubba determined that we must intervene to save the saintly Albanians from the savage Serbs.

    Ethnic cleansing was afoot, President Perjury gravely intoned. Exactly how this was different from the exchange of populations that took place throughout Europe in the aftermath of World War II (think of Poland and Germany, think of India and Pakistan) was never quite explained.

    Worse, there were reports of killing fields and mass graves. Milosevic was cast as an architect of genocide – the Heinrich Himmler of the Balkans,

    At the Rambouillet conference, the Yugoslav president was presented with an ultimatum: allow a peace-keeping force into Kosovo (as a prelude to detaching the province from Yugoslavia) and permit NATO forces to occupy the entire country, if they choose.

    The Serbs refused and the bombing commenced. We killed over 3,000 – mostly civilians, mostly with cluster-bombs -- before Milosevic finally yielded to vastly superior force.

    After the Yugoslav Federal Army was driven from Kosovo, forensic experts scoured the countryside, and came up empty-handed.

    A December 31, 1999, article in the Wall Street Journal (coincidentally, by Daniel Pearl) reported that allegations of “indiscriminate mass murder, rape camps, crematoriums, mutilation of the dead – haven’t been borne out in the six months since NATO troops entered Kosovo. Ethnic-Albanian militants, humanitarian organizations, NATO and the news media fed off each other to give genocide rumors credibility. Now, a different picture is emerging.”

    Following these revelations, there were no cries of “Where are the MGs?” (mass graves). Republicans didn’t begin every speech by accusing Clinton of lying to the nation in his rush to justify an unnecessary war (though they could have).

    Michael Moore did not make a documentary on how a Democratic president engineered a conflict to advance his personal agenda. (“Fahrenheit 1999”?) No one in the media asked about Clinton’s exit strategy (5 years later, U.S. forces are still stationed in Kosovo) or demanded to know how he intended to “win the peace.”

    Whether or not there was ethnic cleansing before the war, there certainly was afterward.

    Albanians, who were handed a victory by Clinton and NATO, drove out 277,000 Serbs. (Hundreds were murdered and thousands brutalized.) As of March 2004, Moslem multiculturalists had destroyed 135 Orthodox churches, monasteries and shrines – all under the watchful eyes of KFOR , as NATO’s Keystone Cop peace-keeping force is called.

    The rampage continues. The latest pogrom occurred in March, when (in a planned and coordinated campaign) 28 Serbs were murdered, more than 600 wounded and another 3,600 forced to flee. The Serbs left in Kosovo -- estimated at between 102,000 and 114,000 -- live in a state of siege. Should KFOR be withdrawn, they’d all be dead or exiled in a matter of days.

    Yes, Kosovo truly was the Democrats’ finest hour – a prime example of just how tough the party of Jimmy Carter and Ramsey Clark can be, when they’re in a fighting mood.

    On the other hand, their Kosovo allies are threatening to give scum-of-the-earth a bad name. Back in ’99, Senator Joe Lieberman, who’s rumored to know something about foreign policy, called the KLA “freedom fighters.” Well, you know what the moral relativists of the left say: “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.”

    As it transpires, the KLA is allied with other freedom fighters, -- whose SOP is car bombs and demolishing sky-scrappers. Bin Laden was active in the Balkans as early as 1994.

    In a Washington Times story published within days of 9/11, defense expert Bill Gertz disclosed: “Islamic radicals, including supporters of bin Laden, have been supporting Albanian rebels fighting in the region (who then were trying to de-stabilize Montenegro), including members of the Kosovo Liberation Army. Intelligence officials have said there are reports that KLA members have been trained at bin Laden camps in Afghanistan.” During the initial fighting there, U.S. units scooped up Kosovar Albanians who were serving with the Taliban’s foreign legion.

    Another investigative article (“Al Qaeda’s Balkan Links,” The Wall Street Journal, November 1, 2002) noted, “By feeding off the region’s impoverished republics and taking root in the unsettled aftermath of the Bosnia and Kosovo conflicts, al Qaeda, along with Iranian Revolutionary Guard-sponsored terrorists, have burrowed their way into Europe’s backyard.”

    Also, in the wake of the Democrats’ merry little war, Kosovo became the prime route, after Turkey, for the importation of heroin from Southeast Asia to Europe – just one more way our friends the freedom fighters thanked us for giving them a country.

    The foregoing all is courtesy of Bill Clinton, John Kerry and the other Democrats who know what the US military is for – killing Christians to aid Moslem terrorists.

    Whatever the shortcomings of President Bush’s plans for Iraq, at least he’s trying to bring democracy to a nation that’s never known it before. Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney ousted a brutal dictator, who sponsored international terrorism and (at the very least) was actively acquiring WMD-technology.

    In Kosovo, we put the terrorists in power. Kerry helped. He voted for it. He defends it. (Thaci was his honored guest in Boston.) Now he’s pushing independence for the terrorists. In terms of betraying the West, this is easily the best work he’s done since his contribution to undermining the U.S. war effort in Vietnam in 1971.

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    A inace Bush kao Amerikanac ser baljskoga podrikla ,dokaza se kako voli ser balje iznad svega :lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue: :lolblue:

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    Демократе у САД-у су гомила смрадова! Међу њиховим политичарима има педера и у горњем и доњем дому (сенат и конгрес) њихове скупштине!
    Главу дајем крајину не дајем ...

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    Čitam nešto ovu temu slučajno, i prosto je moradoh vaskrsnut jer su mi mišljenja pojedinih na njoj vrlo interesantna, ovako gledajući 6 godina unazad.

    Naročito ova koja guraju princip "Bush branitelj Kosova".

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