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Thread: Najljubavniji stihovi...

  1. #176
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    [size=6]Severina - Sama na sceni[/size]

    Ispred mene je samo tamo
    toliko ljubavi i mrznje
    ali ja sam na sceni sama
    i kad me ruse laz i galama
    ja moram opet ostati ista
    ja moram opet biti dama
    eh da...

    Ni moje srce ne zna sto hoce
    i ja se vracam mjestu samoce
    ni tvoja ljubav ne znaci meni
    meni je mjesto samo na sceni
    meni je mjesto samo na sceni

    Zivot je cirkus
    zivot je drama
    nekad mi otme nekad mi daje
    ali ja sam
    na sceni sama
    ni moja pjesma
    mene brani
    nikada vasa srca slama
    i ja sam opet na sceni sama
    a da ja sam opet sceni sama... :mrgreen:
    Ubijas me usnama znam te ja za to si rodjenaaa...

  2. #177
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    Azra - (Suncana strana ulice, 1981) - Gospodar samoce

    ona vuče moje niti
    ona čini moje sne
    dok ja listam stare novine
    ona bježi od dosade
    uspjela je da se smiri
    odlazi nekud nasamo
    a ja maštam zatvorenih očiju
    u mislima je pratim

    ona vuče moje niti
    ona je hladna i daleka
    kao godpodar samoće
    igra se sa osjećajima
    ona zna da je gledam
    odlazi nekud nasamo
    a ja maštam zatvorenih očiju
    u mislima je pratim

    Kratko i jasno..

    ..Azra jebe keve

    nema boljeg YU benda
    Lane moje svrsim ti u ustaaaaaaa

  3. #178
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    Зашто ме мрзиш што волим Шешеља?

  4. #179
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    (Deen i Vlatka Pokos)-POLJUBI ME!

    Želja mi jedina
    Da svojim usnama
    Te tvoje usne dotaknem
    Ja ne bih žalila
    Istoga trena da
    Više se i ne pomaknem


    Želja mi jedina da svojim usnama
    Te tvoje usne osjetim
    Ja ne bih žalila Istog trena da
    U plavo nebo poletim


  5. #180
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    EVANESCENCE - Tourniquet

    i tried to kill the pain
    but only brought more
    i lay dying
    and i'm pouring crimson regret and betrayal
    i'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming

    am i too lost to be saved
    am i too lost?

    my God my tourniquet
    return to me salvation
    my God my tourniquet
    return to me salvation

    do you remember me
    lost for so long
    will you be on the other side
    or will you forget me
    i'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming

    am i too lost to be saved
    am i too lost?

    my God my tourniquet
    return to me salvation
    my God my tourniquet
    return to me salvation

    i want to die!!!

    my God my tourniquet
    return to me salvation
    my God my tourniquet
    return to me salvation

    my wounds cry for the grave
    my soul cries for deliverance
    will i be denied Christ
    my suicide
    *I can't take my eyes off you
    I know you feel the same way too* (:

  6. #181
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    Ti si dobro znala ko sam ja
    Otkud sad te suze, moja mila?
    Rekla si da se za točak bršljan ne hvata
    Zalud izgužvana svila
    To je tako, ne pravi od tuge nauku
    Mani svetlo na sledećem bregu
    Okopniće moj otisak na tvom jastuku
    Kao "jezuška" u snegu...
    Razbiću gitaru, crn je mrak ispunjava
    Odavno se svoje pesme bojim
    Pomera u meni one gene Dunava
    Pa ja tečem i kad stojim
    Ali opet...
    Dal' bi ikad bila moja ti da sam vojnik u armiji ljudi?
    Rekla si da baš ne umem novce brojati
    I da je ništa sve što nudim
    Naposletku, ti si navek znala da sam svirac
    Brošić što se teško pribada
    Da me može oduvati najblaži Nemirac
    Da ću u po reči stati, da se neću osvrtati
    Ređaš po vitrini fini, porculanski svet
    Al' ja sam figurica bez žiga
    Pazi, to je bajka što ti pada na pamet
    Fali ti baš ovaj cigan?
    Tek u jesen otkriju se boje krošanja
    Sve su slične u leto zeleno
    Ti si dobro znala ko sam ja
    Čemu suze lepa ženo?
    Draga moja, ti si navek znala da sam pajac
    Moj je šešir šatra pomična
    Usne, tice-rugalice, a u oku tajac
    Da sam kaput sa dva lica
    Da sam Gospo'n Propalica Obična
    Naposletku, ti si navek znala da sam svirac
    I da je nebo moje livada
    Da me može oduvati najblaži Nemirac
    Da ću u po reči stati
    Da se neću osvrtati

    Na jastuku,
    bdim na ponoćnoj straži kao stari posustali ratnik
    K'o svaki put, od riznice neba jedva zapadne mesečev zlatnik
    Po oklopom drhti košuta plaha
    večno gonjena tamnim obrisima straha
    koja strepi i od mirnih obronaka sna.

    Nedostaje mi naša ljubav, mila,
    bez nje se život kruni uzalud
    nedostaješ mi ti kakva si bila
    nedostajem i ja, onako lud.
    Ja znam da vreme ne voli heroje
    i da je svaki hram ukaljalo
    al meni, eto, ništa sem nas dvoje nije valjalo.

    Kad potražim put u središte sebe
    staze bivaju tešnje i tešnje
    I skrijem se u zaklon tvog uha kao mindjuše
    od duple trešnje
    Al' uspevam da još jednom odolim da prošapućem
    da te noćas ruski volim
    šta su reči, kremen što se izliže kad-tad.

    Nedostaje mi naša ljubav, mila,
    a bez nje ovaj kurjak menja ćud
    nedostaješ mi ti kakva si bila
    nedostajem i ja, onako lud.
    Ja znam da vreme svemu menja boje
    i da je silan sjaj pomračilo
    al meni, eto, ništa sem nas dvoje nije značilo.

    Ponekad jošu moj filcani šešir spustiš osmeh
    ko čarobni cekin
    I tad sam svoj, jer, ma kako me zvali ja sam samo
    tvoj lični Harlekin
    Ponekad jos suza razmaže tintu i k'o domina
    padne zid u lavirintu, tako prosto
    ponekad još stignemo do nas.

    Nedostaje mi naša ljubav, mila,
    bez nje uz moje vene puže stud
    nedostaješ mi ti kakva si bila
    nedostajem i ja, onako lud.
    Ja znam da vreme uvek uzme svoje
    i ne znam što bi nas poštedelo
    al meni, eto, ništa sem nas dvoje nije vredelo.

    Vesnik svadbe po sokaku svuda je
    Brinu snajke šta će koja mesiti
    Neko m'i se, kanda, skoro udaje?
    Moralo se i to jednom desiti
    Tu livadu ja sam prvi kosio
    Ma ... Pričam više nego što bih smeo
    Ajde ... Odavno bih je zaprosio
    da sam samo hteo...
    Vetrić glanca krune granja
    Tamiš nosi par lokvanja
    Račun svedi: šta sad vredi mladost, tričava?
    Nevažno je to sve skupa
    Sećanje je smešna lupa koja sitne stvari uveličava
    Oprezno s tom violinom, Ona čezne za tišinom
    Ko da škakljaš andelčiće vrhom gudala
    A nju nemoj pominjati
    Neće svet zbog toga stati
    Neće biti prva što se udala
    Ništa lakše nego sebe slagati
    Ništa lakše neg se na smrt opiti
    Ništa teže nego zalud tragati
    Od sto drugih nju sam probo sklopiti
    Srce cupka, al misao okleva
    čeka da se stvari same dese
    Tuga lepše zvuči kad se otpeva
    Pesma sve podnese
    Bog je katkad pravi šeret
    Na strmini doda teret i potura nedohvatno da se dohvati
    Bog je dobar, kako kome
    Bolje ne pitaj o tome
    Ućutaću ili ću opsovati
    Polagano, šanji-bači
    Ti si znao šta mi znači
    Ko da heklaš paučinu vrhom gudala
    Kad pred crkvom baci buket, neka padne, kao uklet
    Neka bude zadnja što se udala
    Samo bol je u životu siguran
    Sreću nosi neki poštar jako spor
    Neka, samo ovu noć da izguram
    Sutra ću već naći dobar izgovor...

    Jutro me zatiče samog, kao školjka u pesku...
    Svu noć su senke na zidu skicirale fresku...
    Tražio sam jedan stih, skoro da ga osetih, al' mi je iz ruku nestao.
    Protura se novi dan, al' taj trik je providan,
    samo da bi prošli prestao...

    Jutro me zatiče u pravom haosu tema...
    U mojim strofama lagani raspad sistema...
    Al' u tajnim vezama s nekim davnim brezama, ponovo se pesma primiče
    Zasad nema imena, samo bluza svilena,
    Kako mi iz ruku izmiče...

    Zaboravljam imena, samo lica ostaju,
    u prolazu ljude otkrivam kroz šifre...
    Dovraga, sve mi to govori da starim...
    Zaboravljam dosadne cifre.
    Zaboravljam imena malih bircuza uz put
    i curica, što su uvek dobre bile.
    Neke bistrine se nepovratno mute
    ali nikad dodir svile...

    Jutro me zatiče opet u smišljanju bekstva...
    čim malo usporim stignu me davna prokletstva...
    To su samo momenti, lošim vetrom doneti, to su samo male večnosti...
    To su samo godine kad se čovek otkine,
    Kao od one gorke tečnosti.
    Napiši mi pesmu, mazila se
    I nisam znao da li ću umeti
    Reči jesu moje igračke
    Cakle mi se u glavi kao oni šareni staklići kaleidoskopa
    I svaki put mi je druga slika u očima kad zažmurim
    Ali postoje u nama neke neprevodive dubine
    Postoje u nama neke stvari neprevodive u reči
    Ne znam
    Napiši mi pesmu, molila je
    I nisam znao da li ću umeti
    Voleo sam je tako lako a tako sam teško to znao da pokažem
    A onda odjednom, raspored mladeža na njenim leđima
    Kao tajna mapa pokazao mi je u koje zvezde treba da se zagledam
    I tako...eto ti pesma, ludo jedna
    "...patim zbog osoba kojima sam poklonila svoje srce i uvidjam da oni koji su dotakli moju dushu nisu uspeli da probude moje telo, a oni koji su doticali moje telo nisu uspevali da dosegnu do moje dushe. “

  7. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gisele
    od mene za Princezicu:Seku_Alexic.
    Ne laskaj mi )
    ** What do I know, I'm just a model!

    J* Pey

  8. #183
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    Love is the bird she needs to fly :oops:
    Let all the hurt inside you die
    You're frozen when your heart's not open :oops:
    ...I`m A LiTl|E RuNaWay...DaDdy'S GiR|...
    I`m Miss Milkie**>And I am prude on it... :ass: :finger:

  9. #184
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    Depeche mode - Free love

    If you’ve been hiding from love
    If you’ve been hiding from love
    I can understand where you’re coming from
    I can understand where you’re coming from

    If you’ve suffered enough
    If you’ve suffered enough
    I can understand what you’re thinking of
    I can see the pain that you’re frightened of

    And I’m only here
    To bring you free love
    Let’s make it clear
    That this is free love
    No hidden catch
    No strings attached
    Just free love
    No hidden catch
    No strings attached
    Just free love

    I’ve been running like you
    I’ve been running like you
    Now you understand why I’m running scared
    Now you understand why I’m running scared

    I’ve been searching for truth
    I’ve been searching for truth
    And I haven’t been getting anywhere
    No I haven’t been getting anywhere

    And I’m only here
    To bring you free love
    Let’s make it clear
    That this is free love
    No hidden catch
    No strings attached
    Just free love
    No hidden catch
    No strings attached
    Just free love

    Hey girl
    You’ve got to take this moment
    Then let it slip away
    Let go of complicated feelings
    Then there’s no price to pay

    We’ve been running from love
    We’ve been running from love
    And we don’t know what we’re doing here
    No we don’t know what we’re doing here

    We’re only here
    Sharing our free love
    Let’s make it clear
    That this is free love
    No hidden catch
    No strings attached
    Just free love
    No hidden catch
    No strings attached
    Just free love
    Dei Sub Numine Viget

  10. #185
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    HIM - One last time

    Is it so hard to believe our hearts
    Are made to be broken by love
    That in constant dying lies
    The beauty of it all
    My darling won’t you feel
    The sweet heaven in
    Our endless cry

    Oh at least you could trust
    For this one last time

    So amazed how bright are the flames
    We are burning in
    Ever smiled at the tragedies
    We hold inside
    My darling won’t you cherish
    The fear of life that keeps
    You and me so alive

    Oh at least you could trust
    For this one last time
    It could be alright
    For this one last time

    Oh at least you could trust
    (and we just will be closer)
    For this one last time
    (let me fall into your arms)
    It could be alright
    (don’t let us grow colder)
    For this one last time
    (let me close to your heart)

    Oh at least you could trust
    (and before it’s all over)
    For this one last time
    (let me fall into your arms)
    It could be alright
    (before it’s all over)
    For this one last time
    (let me close to your heart)
    Dei Sub Numine Viget

  11. #186
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    Chris Isaak - Wicked Game

    The world was on fire, no-one could save me but you
    It’s strange what desire will make foolish people do
    I’d never dreamed that I’d need somebody like you
    And I’d never dreamed that I’d need somebody like you

    No I don’t wanna fall in love
    This world is always gonna brake your heart
    No I don’t wanna fall in love
    This world is always gonna brake your heart
    ..with you

    What a wicked game to play
    To make me feel this way
    What a wicked thing to do
    To let me dream of you
    What a wicked thing to say
    You never felt this way
    What a wicked thing you do
    To make me dream of you

    No I don’t wanna fall in love
    This world is always gonna brake your heart
    No I don’t wanna fall in love
    This world is always gonna brake your heart
    ..with you

    The world was on fire, no-one could save me but you
    It’s strange what desire will make foolish people do
    No and I never dreamed that I’d love somebody like you
    I’ll never dream that I lose somebody like you, no

    Now I wanna fall in love
    This world is always gonna brake your heart
    Now I wanna fall in lust
    This world is always gonna brake your heart
    ..with you

    Nobody loves no-one
    Dei Sub Numine Viget

  12. #187
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    [size=6]All By Myself - Celine Dion [/size]

    When I was young
    I never needed anyone
    And making love was just for fun
    Those days are gone
    Livin' alone
    I think of all the friends I've known
    When I dial the telephone
    Nobody's home

    All by myself
    Don't wanna be
    All by myself

    Hard to be sure
    Sometimes I feel so insecure
    And loves so distant and obscure
    Remains the cure

    All by myself
    Don't wanna be
    All by myself
    All by myself
    Don't wanna live
    All by myself

    When I was young
    I never needed anyone
    Making love was just for fun
    Those days are gone

    All by myself
    Don't wanna be
    All by myself
    All by myself
    Don't wanna live
    Don't wanna live
    By myself, by myself
    By myself
    All by myself
    Don't wanna live
    I never, never, never
    Needed anyone.

    All By Myself by Celine Dion
    Why? Because a real RocknRolla wants the fucking lot.

  13. #188
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    Ovo je izuzetak... zbog Tebe. Zbog mene.

    I'm not a perfect person
    As many things I wish I didn't do
    But I continue learning
    I never meant to do those things to you
    And so I have to say before I go
    That I just want you to know

    I've found a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    and the reason is you

    I'm sorry that I hurt you
    It's something I must live with everyday
    And all the pain I put you through
    I wish that I could take it all away
    And be the one who catches all your tears
    That's why I need you to hear

    I've found a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    and the reason is You [x4]

    I'm not a perfect person
    I never meant to do those things to you
    And so I have to say before I go
    That I just want you to know

    I've found a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    and the reason is you

    I've found a reason to show
    A side of me you didn't know
    A reason for all that I do
    And the reason is you

    "...patim zbog osoba kojima sam poklonila svoje srce i uvidjam da oni koji su dotakli moju dushu nisu uspeli da probude moje telo, a oni koji su doticali moje telo nisu uspevali da dosegnu do moje dushe. “

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    After Tonight - Mariah Carey

    I look at you looking at me
    Feels like a feeling meant to be
    And as your body moves with mine
    It's like I'm lifted out of time
    And time again
    Patiently I've waited
    For this moment to arrive

    After tonight
    Will you remember
    How sweet and tenderly
    You reached for me and pulled me closer?
    After you go
    Will you return to love me
    After tonight begins to fade?

    I feel your touch caressing me
    This feeling's all I'll ever need
    With ev'ry kiss from your sweet lips
    It's like I'm drifting out of time
    Alone will tell
    If you feel the way I feel
    When I look in your eyes

    After tonight (after tonight)
    Will you remember
    How sweet and tenderly
    You reached for me and pulled me closer?
    After you go (after you go)
    Will you return to love me
    After the night becomes the day?

    Time and time and time again
    (Time and time again)
    So patiently I've waited
    For this moment to arrive

    After tonight (after tonight)
    Oh, yeah, will you remember
    How sweet and tenderly
    You reached for me and pulled me closer?
    After you go
    Baby, will you return to love me
    After the night becomes the day
    After tonight begins to fade?
    Why? Because a real RocknRolla wants the fucking lot.

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    You can't manufacture a miracle
    The silence was pitiful that day.
    A love is getting too cynical
    Passion's just physical these days
    You analyze everyone you meet
    But get no sign, love ain't kind
    every night you admit defeat
    and cry yourself blind

    If you can't wake up in the morning
    Cause your bed lies vacant at night
    If you're lost, hurt, tired or lonely
    Can't control it, try as you might
    May you find that love that won't leave you
    May you find it by the end of the day
    You won't be lost, hurt, tired and lonely
    Something beautiful will come your way

    The DJ said on the radio
    Life should be stereo, each day
    In the past you cast the unsuitable
    Instead of some kind of beautiful, you just couldn't wait
    All your friends think you're satisfied
    But they can't see your soul no, no, no
    Forgot the time feeling petrified, when they lived alone

    Some kind of beautiful (will come your way)

    All your friends think you're satisfied
    But they can't see your soul no no no
    Forgot the time feeling petrified
    When they lived alone

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    You're so complicated-you hang over my shoulder
    When I read my mail
    I don't appreciate it
    When I talk to other guys
    You think they're on my tail
    I get so aggravated when I get off the phone
    And I get the third degree
    I'm really feelin' frustrated
    Why don't you take a pill and put a little trust in me
    And you'll see

    Don't freak out until you know the facts

    Don't be stupid-you know I love you
    Don't be ridiculous-you know I need you
    Don't be absurd-you know I want you
    Don't be impossible

    I'm mad about you (I'm mad about you)
    Can't live without you (can't live without you)
    I'm crazy 'bout you (I'm crazy 'bout you)
    So don't be stupid-you know I love you

    Stop overreacting
    You even get suspicious when I paint my nails
    It's definitely distracting
    The way you dramatize every little small detail

    Don't freak out until you know the facts

    Don't be stupid-you know I love you
    Don't be ridiculous-you know I need you
    Don't be absurd-you know I want you
    Don't be impossible
    I'm mad about you (I'm mad about you)
    Can't live without you (can't live without you)
    I'm crazy 'bout you (I'm crazy 'bout you)
    Don't be stupid-you know I love you

    Don't be stupid-you're my baby

    I'm mad about you (I'm mad about you)
    Can't live without you (can't live without you)
    I'm crazy 'bout you (I'm crazy 'bout you)
    Don't be stupid-you know I love you
    Don't be ridiculous-you know I need you
    Don't be absurd-you know I want you
    Don't be impossible

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    Mnogo lijepa pjesma :cry: :cry:

    [size=6]Ponekad…. Iz chista mira i bez najave
    Vratish se, u moju glavu k’o iz zabave
    Skazaljke krenu unatrag, zazhari onaj ugarak…
    Shto sam na dnu dushe…sakrila!

    Bilo je zavodila ih , pa se igrala…;/
    Al priznajem, samo sam TEBE srcem birala
    U postelji, pre svitanja, samo ja i istina
    Kad se dusha….otvara…

    Na raskrshcu gdje sumnja iz mraka pita me:
    Otici il’ ostati s’tobom zauvek???....
    Do lica svog dizhesh lampu , ljubavi
    I vidim put, kojim mi valja krenuti !

    Po svetu se shunja izlizanih cipela
    Bar TI me nemoj izdati ….
    Moj strah u nadu pretvori..
    Da sve moje kalendare s’tobom potroshim[/size]

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    Vesna Pisarovic - Svrha ljubavi

    Sa tobom sam
    jednog jutra zaspala
    i nisam se
    jos probudila

    Cujem djecu napolju
    neku davnu muziku
    polako vrijeme vraca se
    tvoje usne ove ljube me

    Ja jos vidim te
    u svakom licu preljepom
    svaka ulica na tvoju podsjeca
    I svaka ljubav mi
    na tebe mirise
    i ako ne znam
    dal me cujes sada
    pitam te

    Sta je svrha ljubavi
    kad tako boli
    zasto srce slomi se
    kad stvarno voli
    Izgubila sam sav svoj svjet
    ali dalje pitam se
    Sta je svrha ljubavi
    kad nemam te

    Jos uvjek sama sam
    jednak mi je svaki dan
    stoput ustajem
    i opet upadam u san
    cini se zivim kao i prije
    a unutra umirem
    jer oko sto me voljelo
    zauvjek se zatvorilo
    Why? Because a real RocknRolla wants the fucking lot.

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    Najljepsa pjesma za sreco zaljubljene po meni je:

    COLONIA - Za tvoje snene oci

    Ponovo ti govorim da volim te
    Po ko zna koji put ja ti priznajem
    Da svaki ovaj tren sa tobom radost je
    I hvala Bogu što mogu biti kraj tebe

    Nije me sram jer to osjećam
    I da si zadnji, ja to dobro znam
    Nakon svih ovih godina traženja, nadanja

    Za tvoje snene oči ja dala bih sve
    Za svaki dodir tvoj ja se predajem
    Za svaku riječ sa tvojih usana
    Živjet ću milijun godina

    Za tvoje snene oči, bisere
    Stavljam svoje srce u dlanove
    I ovaj život tebi darujem
    Neka bude zauvijek

    Udišem te kao ljetne mirise
    Jutrom kad me tvoji šapati probude
    Tiho kao najljepša melodija
    Moje ime na tvojim mekim usnama

    Nije me sram jer to osjećam
    I da si zadnji, ja to dobro znam
    Nakon svih ovih godina traženja, nadanja

    Za tvoje snene oči ja dala bih sve
    Za svaki dodir tvoj ja se predajem
    Za svaku riječ sa tvojih usana
    Živjet ću milijun godina

    Za tvoje snene oči, bisere
    Stavljam svoje srce u dlanove
    I ovaj život tebi darujem
    Neka bude zauvijek

    Za tvoje snene oči
    Stavljam svoje srce
    I ovaj život tebi darujem
    Neka bude zauvijek

  20. #195
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    Here I stand alone with this weight upon my heart,
    And it will not go away.
    In my head I keep on looking back,
    Right back to the start,
    wondering what it was that made you change.
    well I tried but I had to draw the line,.
    and still this question keeps on spinning in my mind.

    What if I had never let you go,
    Would you be the man I used know,
    If I'd stayed, if you tried,
    if we could only turn back time,
    But I guess we'll never know.

    Many roads to take,
    some to joy some to heartache
    Anyone can lose their way.
    And if I said that we could turn it back,
    right back to the start,
    Would you take the chance and make the change.
    Do you think how it would have been sometimes?
    do you pray that I'd never left you side.

    What if I had never let you go,
    Would you be the man I used know,
    If I'd stayed, if you tried,
    if we could only turn back time,
    But I guess we'll never know.

    If only we could turn the hands of time.
    If I could take it back would you still be mine.
    Cuz I tried but I had to draw the line,
    and still this question keeps on spinning in my mind.

    What if I had never let you go,
    Would you be the man I used know,
    what if I had never walked away,
    Cuz I'd still love you more then I can say
    If I'd stayed, if you tried,
    if we could only turn back time,
    But I guess we'll never know.

    We'll never know

    i need 2 be reassured every second of the day how brilliant i am - Jonathan Rhys Meyers

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    Quote Originally Posted by david__la
    Chris Isaak - Wicked Game

    The world was on fire, no-one could save me but you
    It’s strange what desire will make foolish people do
    I’d never dreamed that I’d need somebody like you
    And I’d never dreamed that I’d need somebody like you

    No I don’t wanna fall in love
    This world is always gonna brake your heart
    No I don’t wanna fall in love
    This world is always gonna brake your heart
    ..with you

    What a wicked game to play
    To make me feel this way
    What a wicked thing to do
    To let me dream of you
    What a wicked thing to say
    You never felt this way
    What a wicked thing you do
    To make me dream of you

    No I don’t wanna fall in love
    This world is always gonna brake your heart
    No I don’t wanna fall in love
    This world is always gonna brake your heart
    ..with you

    The world was on fire, no-one could save me but you
    It’s strange what desire will make foolish people do
    No and I never dreamed that I’d love somebody like you
    I’ll never dream that I lose somebody like you, no

    Now I wanna fall in love
    This world is always gonna brake your heart
    Now I wanna fall in lust
    This world is always gonna brake your heart
    ..with you

    Nobody loves no-one
    Moja NajMILIJA pjesma )
    I still believe in your eyes
    I just don't care what
    You've done in your life ! ! !

  22. #197
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    [size=6]~I Don't Wanna Cry~[/size]

    Once again we sit in silence
    After all is said and done
    Only emptiness inside us
    Baby, look what we've become
    We can make a million promises
    But we still won't change
    It isn't right to stay together
    When you only bring each other pain

    I don't wanna cry
    Don't wanna cry
    Nothing in the world
    Could take us back
    To where we used to be
    Though I've give you my heart and soul
    I must find a way of letting go
    'Cause baby, I don't wanna cry

    Too far apart to bridge the distance
    But something keeps us hanging on and on
    Pretending not to know the difference
    Denying what we had is gone
    Every moment we're together
    It's just breaking me down
    I know we swore it was forever
    But it hurts too much to stay around

    All the magic's gone
    There's just a shadow of a memory
    Something just went wrong
    We can't go on make-believing
    ** What do I know, I'm just a model!

    J* Pey

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    If I Ain't Got You - Alicia Keys

    Some people live for the fortune
    Some people live just for the fame
    Some people live for the power, yeah
    Some people live just to play the game
    Some people think that the physical things
    Define what’s within
    And I’ve been there before
    But that life’s a bore
    So full of the superficial

    Some people want it all
    But I don’t want nothing at all
    If it ain’t you baby
    If I ain’t got you baby
    Some people want diamond rings
    Some just want everything
    But everything means nothing
    If I ain’t got you, Yeah

    Some people search for a fountain
    That promises forever young
    Some people need three dozen roses
    And that’s the only way to prove you love him
    Hand me the world on a silver platter
    And what good would it be
    With no one to share
    with no one who truly cares for me

    Some people want it all
    But I don’t want nothing at all
    If it ain’t you baby
    If I ain’t got you baby
    Some people want diamond rings
    Some just want everything
    But everything means nothing
    If I ain’t got you, you, you
    Some people want it all
    But I don’t want nothing at all
    If it ain’t you baby
    If I ain’t got you baby
    Some people want diamond rings
    Some just want everything
    But everything means nothing
    If I ain’t got you, yeah

    If I ain’t got you with me baby
    So nothing in this whole wide world don’t mean a thing
    If I ain’t got you with me baby
    Ubijas me usnama znam te ja za to si rodjenaaa...

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    "Za hiljadu sto godina kad ne budesh Ti i ne budem Ja... "

    Ostace pjesma. Kao dokaz. Da je bilo... stvarno. Postojalo je. Nevazhno kako se zvalo. Ni kako se podnijelo... ni zashto je moralo tako biti. Volim...

    If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one
    Drying in the colour of the evening sun
    Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away
    But something in our minds will always stay

    Perhaps this final act was meant
    To clinch a lifetime's argument
    That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could
    For all those born beneath an angry star
    Lest we forget how fragile we are

    On and on the rain will fall
    Like tears from a star, like tears from a star
    On and on the rain will say
    How fragile we are, how fragile we are

    On and on the rain will fall
    Like tears from a star, like tears from a star
    On and on the rain will say
    How fragile we are, how fragile we are
    How fragile we are, how fragile we are

    Leden si. I ostacesh takav. Samo... Ja Te vishe necu voljeti. Jednom...
    "...patim zbog osoba kojima sam poklonila svoje srce i uvidjam da oni koji su dotakli moju dushu nisu uspeli da probude moje telo, a oni koji su doticali moje telo nisu uspevali da dosegnu do moje dushe. “

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    Now I've had the time of my life
    No I never felt like this before
    Yes I swear it's the truth
    and I owe it all to you

    'Cause I've had the time of my life
    and I owe it all to you
    I've been waiting for so long
    Now I've finally found someone
    To stand by me

    We saw the writing on the wall
    As we felt this magical fantasy
    Now with passion in our eyes
    There's no way we could disguise it secretly
    So we take each other's hand
    'Cause we seem to understand the urgency

    Just remember
    You're the one thing
    I can't get enough of
    So I'll tell you something
    This could be love


    I've had the time of my life
    No I never felt this way before
    Yes I swear it's the truth
    And I owe it all to you
    'Cause I've had the time of my life
    And I've searched through every open door
    'Til I found the truth
    And I owe it all to you

    With my body and soul
    I want you more than you'll ever know
    So we'll just let it go
    Don't be afraid to lose control
    Yes I know whats on your mind
    When you say:
    "Stay with me tonight."

    Just remember
    You're the one thing
    I can't get enough of
    So I'll tell you something
    This could be love because

    'Cause I had the time of my life
    No I've never felt this way before
    Yes I swear it's the truth
    And I owe it all to you

    'Cause I've had the time of my life
    And I've searched through every open door
    Till I found the truth
    and I owe it all to you

    Now I've had the time of my life
    No I never felt this way before

    (Never Felt this way)

    Yes I swear it's the truth
    and I owe it all to you

    'Cause I had the time of my life
    And I've searched through every open door
    Till I've found the truth
    and I owe it all to you

    "cause I've had the time of my life
    No I've never felt this way before
    Yes I swear it's the truth
    And I owe it all to you


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